
Adding configuration

By default this library includes four commonly used data types: strings, booleans, integers and decimals. You can add custom ones if you feel constrained by these.

Head over to the django admin and add some configuration like so:



Switching the type of data will cause the currently entered value to be coersed into something the new type requires, if possible.

Using in templates

Most of the time you will be using these configured values inside templates like so:

{% load config %}
The website admin's email is {{ ''|get_config }}.

An assignment tag also exists for convenience:

{% load config %}
{% get_config '' as email %}
The website admin's email is <a href="mailto:{{ email }}">{{ email }}</a>.

If the configuration cannot be found, None is returned. You have to be careful when falsy values are possible because the default filter will not work in those cases. To produce a default value for a missing configuration key, use default_if_none.

{% load config %}
Does the key "" exist? {{ ''|get_config|default_if_none:'No' }}.


If the configuration is marked as not available for template use, it will act the same way as if it doesn’t exist. Data is always available in python code.

Using in python code

There’s only one straightfoward utility function available, and it can be used like so

from aboutconfig import get_config

def my_view(request):
    # some code...
    admin_email = get_config('')
    # some more code...